Tuesday, October 16, 2012

About Scientific community in Colorado: Do they teach Evolution

Scientific community in Colorado: Do they teach Evolution?
I know near Colorado Springs they are REALLY conservative church goers and do not accept the scientific facts of this age and try to get science out of school. I was wondering, what is the general acceptance of scientific individuals in Colorado? Being an Evolutionary scientist, will I be treated as a threat or an asset to the scientific community in Colorado and will there be much resistance against my work from church going conservatives? I want to move to a place where my work won't be belittled and having tons of conservative protesters yelling on the side of the streets is just an eye-sore.
Denver - 3 Answers
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1 :
My experience touring through Colorado a few years ago as an observant Canadian was that there is a decent mix of people. For every arrogant Christian there is an ear open to new ideas. The problem with everything between Chicago and California is that the craziest ones shout the loudest, and it doesn't take many in any particular town to try and hijack the system and drown out the voices of the middle majority. You don't see reasonable people screaming: "Let's take to the streets and demand that everyone be reasonable!!!" It's usually the far outliers. Colorado Springs seemed like a middle of the road suburb type place. Unfortunately, the longer you stay, the more truth about the people will come out. I did not stay long enough to experience anything ugly, but have seen both, very artsy leftist kids, and hardcore right wing nuclear missile factory employees.
2 :
I think you'll find that the vast vast majority of members of the scientific community and Coloradans in general are very enlightened. Just do what the rest of us do when we encounter members of the religious wrong - ignore them.
3 :
It's basically only near Colo Springs. Everywhere else has normal, rational people. It's a red and blue state. Because of all of the natural wildlife, there are a lot of biologists in colorado. This isn't the south.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

About Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs, CO?
I read online that Colorado Springs is pretty conservative but I also saw that they have a lot of tattoo shops and even a tattoo school there. Would someone who has a lot of tattoos and gauged ears have trouble finding entry level work? Also what are some nice suburbs in that area to live in? Does the whole city have a military mindset because of all the bases located there? Thanks for any insight you can give me!
Denver - 3 Answers
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1 :
hi i went to colorado a bout a year ago and it is i nice place 2 live in ( i was with cousins) you barelry see people with tatoos and it depends what part you go to i rather live in colorado its a beautiful place !
2 :
The Springs is cool. Like any where in the country, some people may not like ink and gauged ears, but most people don't care.
3 :
Boulder is more tolerant of weird behavior. Colorado Springs is conservative. Summit and Eagle Counties are cold enough that your tatoos will probably not be visible under your fleeces. Tatoos are common in service industries around ski resorts.

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